Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tracking- Argument

I would like to start off this blog by stating that I believe the "tracking" method is a whole bunch of bologna. I understand the concept of putting the students who normally excel all into a specific classroom where they can all continue to excel together. But what about the kids who are dying to excel, but are not given that opportunity? Certain students can be placed in a low-ability classrooms, who have so much more to offer. Because they are placed in that classroom, they are now taught basic skills through basic learning techniques such as workbooks, kits, or easy-to-read stories. On the other hand, the students in the high-ability classrooms are being taught classic/modern literature, expository writing, and specific vocabulary to help them receive better test scores, which in turn, gets them a better college education.  In my high school, like many others, there are advanced classes for the advanced students.  These students have to have a certain grade in their previous classes to be considered for this advanced class. What I like about this method is that, as a student, you could excel in math, but English is not your strong suit. You are then placed in an advanced math class, and stay in the moderate English class where you can continue to learn at your own pace. Rather than hand-picking the all around more advanced students and tossing them in a classroom together for their whole high school career, the method my high school used looked at your knowledge and grades in specific classes. 

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